Stories & Pānui
February 2025 Pānui
Ki te kotahi te kākaho, ka whati; ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati
When a reed stands alone it is vulnerable, but a group of reeds together is unbreakable.
Kore Hiakai have an exciting year ahead of us and we hope you might be willing to engage and join with us for parts of it. We want to know about what hopeful mahi is going on in your space too, as it is all our stories put together that helps realise our dream for a food secure Aotearoa.
December 2024 Pānui
December has provided Kore Hiakai with the opportunity to pause and remember some of our highlights from 2024 emerging from the deep whanaungatanga we have experienced across the motu. It brings us joy to share some of those with you in this pānui as a spotlight on our best 'shining a light' moments from this past year ✨ Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa for all you give and share with us.
October 2024 Pānui
He kai kei tātou ringaringa.
There is food at the end of our hands.
He kai kei tātou ringa is a well-known whakataukī that signifies resilience, empowerment, and hope.
Happy Labour Day Weekend!
August 2024 Pānui
Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou.
Seek after wisdom for the sake of your wellbeing.
As we navigate through the deep troughs of winter, amidst the seemingly constant onslaught of government decisions, we recognise the struggle many of you are having as you grapple with ever-increasing need for food assistance. This puts more pressure on your already over-stretched services while coping with significant funding reductions, and on your efforts to collectively and creatively build food secure communities across Aotearoa. Your efforts help foster the hope that together we can reimagine a way through our current reality.
welcome to our November pānui
Ki te kotahi te kakaho ka whati, Ki te kapuia e kore e whati.
When a reed stands on its own it can easily break, but a group of reeds together bend in the prevailing wind.
The last month or so has been a journey, as we have changed season into spring and as we move into life with our new government in whatever form it takes. In the changing of seasons it is important to remind ourselves to be gentle; to let go of that which needs to be shed and to welcome in the new growth.
welcome to our september pānui
E koekoe te tuī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū
When all the birds are singing the forest is thriving.
We are now only weeks away from our general election.
It is a privilege to be in a country where we are free to vote without coercion. It is our right and our responsibility as members of our wider community to participate in voting, even when we don’t know who to vote for. This is how our different voices are heard and contribute.
welcome to our august pānui
“Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua”.
By caring for the land and the people the future will be prosperous.
As we huddled together across Aotearoa during the crisp Matariki nights, gazing towards the stars and remembering those who have shaped us, the Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger strategic leadership and kaimahi team were taking a few tentative steps into that newness. We give thanks and offer our dreams for the year ahead:
Welcome to our June 2023 Pānui
Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata,
ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina.
Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain.
It has been an incredible privilege to journey with you all during these last four years of the Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective, as we’ve explored our shared purpose, partnerships, and deep relationships to create meaningful systemic change around food security.
Welcome to our May 2023 Pānui
He kai kei āku ringaringa.
There is food at the end of my hands.
Amongst the wonderful diversity found all across Aotearoa there’s a commonality in our shared visions around kai – we all want food at the end of everyone’s hands.
Welcome to our April 2023 Pānui
Heria te taura tāngata.
Weave the people.
Kotahitanga is about togetherness, solidarity, and collective action. It’s the bringing together of all threads in order to weave the best outcomes – something we’ve all given witness to this year, as we stood in solidarity with all we weathered.
Welcome to our March 2023 Pānui
Ki te Kotahi te kākaho, ka whati;
ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati
If a reed stands alone, it can be broken;
if it is in a group, it cannot.
So often during a crisis our communities come together, bonded through adversity that gives rise to care and compassion. We have witnessed collective strength during our most challenging times – whatever it is we’re facing, as we’ve stood in solidarity so that we can respond and heal. Together we cannot be broken.
Welcome to our February 2023 Pānui
He hono tangata e kore e motu; kāpā he taura waka e motu
Connections between people cannot be severed whereas those of a canoe-rope can
Welcome to the start of our journey for 2023! It is said invisible threads are often the strongest ties. This certainly bears truths for many of us at the start of this new year as we reconnect to champion food security together.
Welcome to our December 2022 Pānui
Kia tu nonu i te aroha.
To always stand in love.
As 2022 draws to a close we cast our thoughts and hearts back across the year and the journey we have made together. Our Kore Hiakai kaimahi whānau are struck by the number of inspiring individuals, thoughtful leaders, organisations, collaborations, innovations, mārae, iwi and hapū, funders, decision makers and producers deeply committed to a food secure Aotearoa. It is such a privilege to be a part of all your mahi!
Welcome to our November 2022 Pānui
Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai.
Nurture the seed and it will bloom
In Te Ao Māori, hauora – a holistic view of wellbeing, promotes a wide concept of total health. Our whakatauki this month speaks of the care and continued nurturing we all need to fully realise our potential and to flourish. Kai, and all the aspects of kai, is part of that cultivation. We invite you to explore the hauora realm with us – particularly through a nutritional lens, and the impacts good kai can have on our physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being.
Welcome to our October 2022 Pānui
Ma te Kotahitanga, e whai kaha ai tātau
In unity we have strength
Part of our mahi at Kore Hiakai is naming the current reality of what it means to be food insecure, giving witness to the incredible innovation and resilience of whānau doing it hard by amplifying their insights to those in power, as well as championing those working towards food secure solutions.
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou and welcome to our Mahuru 2022 Pānui
He kai kei āku ringaringa.
There is food at the end of my own hands.
Te Wiki o te Reo. 12-18 Mahuru 2022.
Back on the 1st of August 1980 many marched the Capital streets with a determined call for equality. As the hikoi in Te Whanganui-a-Tara unfolded, passionate pleas were heard across the motu, ultimately landing in a buzz at Beehive. Those who marched were fiercely advocating for Māori language to have equal status with English – although it would take another seven years before Te Reo Māori would become recognised as an official language of Aotearoa. (English does not have this status. There are two official languages in Aotearoa New Zealand – Māori and New Zealand Sign Language).
Championing Te Rēo over the weeks of Mahuru Māori
Te Wiki o te Reo. 12-18 Mahuru 2022.
Whakanuia ō tātou toa reo Māori, e 50 tau ki muri nei.
Honouring our Māori language champions, 50 years on.
Welcome to our August 2022 Pānui
Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pūmanawa ā tāngata
Together weaving the realisation of potential
They say coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. The strength of any collective is its individual members, and the strength of each member is the collective. Together WE weave the realisation of our country’s potential because we are more powerful when we empower each other.
what is food security?
Me te wai korari.
Like the nectar of the flax flower.
At the heart of any community in Aotearoa you will find a strong sense of hospitality and compassion – manaakitanga and arohatanga. When mishaps happen with our neighbours we tend to reach out and offer what we have to uphold them during their time of need. We might make a meal or soup; drop in kai or share from our gardens; or sometimes donate to a foodbank. This has always been evident in our nationwide DNA and collective sense of identity, and it was especially evident through our responses to COVID 19.
Welcome to our July 2022 Pānui
Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu.
Although it is small, it is precious.
On most week days the Kore Hiakai kaimahi gather for morning karakia at 9.30am. This is a special time for our mahi whānau – assembling for the ascent of each new day, because it’s a time to pause, share, and be present as our whole selves with each other (and sometimes with manuhiri too). A small, purposeful, act with big intent.