Mana to Mana Framework
Each and every one of us has mana.
Community food distribution is about connecting to and celebrating people. In this, we are invited to recognise our own mana and the mana of everyone we encounter.
Mana to Mana Practice of Community Food Distribution invites us to look for ways of respecting the inherent mana of people and all things, and to reflect on our own practices as we walk with people, recognising what people bring with them and what we have to offer. It draws from old Ao Māori wisdom to guide our relationships and our actions and invites us to reflect deeply, together.
This resource helps us to put mana at the centre of our practice, our policy, our frameworks and our relationships. It is when we have brought mana to the centre that the seven kaupapa expressed then inform our behaviour.
Below you will find our resource created from the wisdom handed to us from our ancestors. Please use this resource to inform your space but also please recognise when you need to seek expertise to help unpack and understand fully what this has to offer.
You are welcome to reach out to us, or to Māori in your community who can hold the integrity of the reo and tikanga this resource shares.
Ngā Manaakitanga,
Kore Hiakai Whānau
Mana to mana practice
E kore a taea te whenu kotahi te raranga i te whāriki o te māramatanga
Mā te mahi tahi o ngā whenu, mā te mahi tahi o ngā kairaranga, ka oti tēnei whāriki.
I te otinga me titiro tātou ki ngā mea pai kaputa mai. Ā tōna wā, me titiro hoki ki ngā raranga i makere nā te mea, he kōrero anō kei reira.
The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone.
Only by the working together of strands and the working together of weavers will such a tapestry be completed.
With its completion let us look at the good that comes from it. And, in time we should also look at the stitches which have been dropped, because they also have a message.