Pānui August
Lockdown level 4
Kia ora whānau,
We hope you are all safe and well! Thank you for all you are doing at this time to bring kai to those who are struggling to access it for whatever reasons during this alert level 4 lockdown.
We know that when we go to alert level 3 & 4 a myriad of support systems are removed for whānau whose incomes can’t cover their basic expenses. Without school lunches, breakfast and after school clubs, community gardens, community meals and wider whānau support the cupboards quickly become bare. Thank you for staying in this space and bringing hauora to so many.
MSD Family Service directory: Many of you are on this and so will have received Lockdown updates through MSD’s communications. Here is the latest links MSD Food Secure Communities & MSD Alert Level 4 information If you are not on that directory – please register yourselves. It will make it easier for you to gain ‘Essential Service’ status category 1 where the social service is the only way for people accessing food and other goods they need to survive (e.g. Foodbanks, and other delivery of essential goods). Also the Unite against COVID website is helpful Alert Level 4 guidelines on the Unite Against COVID-19 website.
For those of you who have been funded through MSD to meet increased demand – they will communicate with you directly to check in and gain insight with what is happening ‘on the ground’. Kore Hiakai will NOT be surveying numbers or seeking insights – we know you need less emails and interruptions.
That said, if there is anything you need help with, or think needs to be passed back towards government, please don’t hesitate to contact Tric Malcolm (Pou Ārahi) M. 0274634377 E.korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz or our Kaituitui Kōrero (communications) Tammie Stroman – E.tammie.korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz
Everything must be CONTACTLESS and PPE is essential. Remember smaller work bubbles and 2 meters distance between workers.
MSD advise to try and have less community activity than previously, being mindful of the Delta variants transmissibility.
Some of the parameters are different than in the past as we are operating under Delta Variant guidelines.
Here is the latest COVID-19 Health and Safety advice from MSD
Move to a contactless service, this includes deliveries
Where a client must come on to your premises, operate a strict “one in one out” policy
You may not sell or provide food prepared on your premises# (unless MSD, ACC or MOH has referred the person to the service e.g. Meals on Wheels).
# If this is a significant issue for your service, please contact your MSD Food Secure Communities relationship manager, or the team on foodsecure@msd.govt.nz to discuss your situation.
COVID guidelines. We were in the process of updating these (due out in October). We are now working with NZFN & AFRA to get these done asap but in the meantime, these are from our website and are still helpful as a base guide Kore Hiakai covid19 resources guide.
Locations of interest – Those in Auckland please be mindful of the ever-increasing list of locations of interest. If any of your team have a connection to one of those – and were there at the right time – please isolate immediately and contact Healthline 0800 358 5453 (COVID Healthline number). The person concerned will be required to have a COVID test after 5 days from contact. All close contacts are supposed to isolate too until the person concerned has returned a negative day 5 test. This highlights the need to work in small bubbles, 10 people or less, with no contact between bubbles. If one of your team has a connection to a location of interest the whole bubble will need to stand down. You will also need to instigate a thorough cleaning of your facility.
Food prepared on premises – At present you are NOT able to deliver food prepared on your premises. This is part of the new Delta protocols. Again check the MSD Food Secure Communities website or Unite against COVID website.
The New Zealand Food Network (NZFN) We are also incredibly fortunate to have NZFN operating efficiently to procure food and distribute across Aotearoa to their multiple hubs. If you are not connected to a hub and need food supply please contact NZFN or your local NZFN food hub NZFN Food Hubs
Kore Hiakai find-a-community-food-organisation map Aotearoa are fantastic at collaborating and working together so that no one gets left behind. Please use the map to connect with other services in your area and to direct those who might come to you for help but are outside your area.
You are NOT alone. We are all at level 4 and we are all doing this together. Tamaki Makaurau especially - the rest of us are here to tautoko you in any way we can!!! One of our local Tamaki champions is currently setting up a FaceBook page to offer connect, support and shared resources across Tamaki Makaurau. Auckland groups will receive an invitation to join.
The Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance (AFRA) have a health and safety webinar coming up next week. Although it is focused on Food Rescue it may be a great opportunity to ensure your Health and Safety knowledge is up to date. Note there are Health and Safety differences under alert level 3 & 4.
If you are not operating under alert level 4, especially because your volunteer base is over 60 and vulnerable health-wise PLEASE consider opening your stock to other providers around you. Last year we heard stories of people continuing to receive donations, especially through relationships with supermarkets, while they weren’t operating and yet other providers were struggling with food supply.
This is an opportunity to be generous and work together.
Aotearoa New Zealand is a place of abundance – of kai and of aroha - let’s share both with generosity!
‘Nāu te rourou, Nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.’
Lastly, take care of yourselves, your whānau and your whānau mahi! What you do is amazing!! You are our champions!
Ngā manaakitanga,
The Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective team!
Tric, Tammie, Wayne, Jennie & Barbara