We’re hungry

for an Aotearoa where everyone has dignified access to enough good food.

Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective is made up of people and organisations who are committed to addressing the root causes of food-related poverty and to working together to create a food secure Aotearoa.

We support Sustainable Development Goal 2.1 - By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.


We recognise that food insecurity is driven by systems but experienced by Papatūānuku and people.


Our collective supports the work of community food organisations across New Zealand, this helps inform the slower, deeper work of addressing poverty-related hunger’s root causes, while we also work hard at creating a food secure Aotearoa.

The Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective brings us together as whānau, iwi, hapū, community, farmers, fishers, growers, manufacturers, distributors, philanthropy, local and central government.

We build Te Tiriti grounded, long term, mana centred, sustainable solutions to ensure all people, at all times, have agency and access to enough nourishing, affordable, sustainably sourced, culturally appropriate food – This is a Food Secure Aotearoa.

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Not having enough food means I have no energy and getting food consumes my thoughts.

- “Charlotte"

Quoted in the Families 100 Project, Auckland City Mission, 2014


The problem


Right now, too many New Zealanders are hungry – struggling to access affordable and nutritious kai.

Over the last few years, the number of people experiencing poverty-related hunger in Aotearoa has grown steadily. The COVID-19 pandemic has escalated these existing challenges dramatically – and charitable responses have again expanded to try and meet the need. But solving New Zealand’s hunger requires a different approach – one that recognises food insecurity is a symptom generated by complex root causes like low wages, the cost of housing, and lengthy food supply chains.